Horse Treats

Traveling With Your Horse

Horse owners know that traveling with your horse can be stressful! Whether you are heading across town or across the country for a horse show, clinic, camping or a trail ride, the key to minimizing your stress is to prepare and have a plan in place. Know where you are goingKnow how far the trip is, distance and average length of time to get there. Will you need to stop and offer water to the horses on the way or have an overnight layover facility lined up. Since GPS can be spotty in some areas you should have written directions with multiple alternate routes to refer to. Be aware of when you can arrive, some places have restricted arrival times. You would hate to have your horse wait on the trailer. How is your horse getting there? If you plan on using your own truck and trailer you should consider: Is it up to date on any service and maintenance? Are tires and breaks in good conditions with correct tire pressure? Do all the trailer lights work? Full tank of gas? Do you have a road side emergency kit? If a friend is hauling your horse: are they experienced and confident in hauling horses? If you hire a horse transport company: Do they have the proper license and insurance? Are the drivers knowledgeable about basic horse care and handling? Are their truck in safe working order? Do you have a way to communicate with the driver while your horse is in their care? *check internet review.  It’s important to consider what time of day is best to travel. Avoid peak traffic times, high temperatures in summer and bad road conditions in the winter. Getting your horse readyBefore leaving the farm it’s important to make sure your horse is in good physical condition for whatever adventure you are planning. Are they sound, fit and healthy Are they up to date on all vaccinations and have a current Coggins test and health certificates to travel Are their hooves in good shape If they wear shoes are they tight Does your horse have the appropriate level of fitness to participate in the activity you have planned. Packing for travel. There is nothing worse than getting to your destination and realizing you forgot something . Making a checklist ahead of time can help. Necessities include: horses medical papers tack and equipment boots appropriate clothing hat/helmet water bucket hay grain with any daily supplements and medication grooming supplies fly spray bedding if being stalled pitchfork and muck tub What other items do you need for your specific outing: *show clothes, *show saddle pads *leg protection and wraps *hoof and coat polish * bathing essentials *tack cleaner *fly mask *saddlebags *printed map of the trails. Sometimes things happen and you need to be prepared. Here are some additional items you may want to have on hand:  A well-stocked first aid kits for humans and horses extra halter and lead rope raincoat lunge line and whip blanket/cooler for your horse *extra bridle and reins *multi-purpose tool toolbox extra double ended snaps wire cutters duct tape zip ties *extra buckets extra hay and feed flashlight spare towels bucket and bridle hooks hose *stepstool/mounting block sewing kit fan safety pins sponge water for your horse depending on the location And make sure to bring plenty of Dimples Horse Treats to reward your horse!!! Think of your needs: folding chairs blanket food cooler with water and beverages sunscreen bug stray No matter where you choose to go, having a plan and being prepared will make the experience more enjoyable for you and your horse!!!

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Winter Horse Care

As the temperatures get colder it’s time to get ready for the colder weather, this includes preparing for the change in your horse’s needs during the winter months. Adjusting Feeding NeedsAs the grass becomes dormant and the nutritional value of the grass decreases, it is important to supplement your horse’s dietary needs. This might require a daily increase in grain and hay. Having plenty of good quality hay available in the field or in the stall is important to help keep your horse warm. According to experts a horse will need to consume about 2 pounds more feed daily for every 10 degree change in the temperature below freezing. A horse that spends more time outside and older horses or those with medical issues in colder temperatures may need more hay to compensate for its higher energy requirements to stay warm. It might be wise to have plenty of extra hay on hand to meet your horse’s increased needs and in case of inclement weather. Water is important!It is normal for horses to drink less water in the winter.  It is important to provide your horse with clean warm water. Make sure water buckets and troughs are not iced over. Provide salt every day to help promote drinking and prevent dehydration.  A decrease in drinking and dehydration can increase the chances of impaction colic.  Shelter during the winterHorses need shelter from the elements in the winter, keeping them in the barn is not always an option. With access to a natural shelter such as trees or an open sided shed a horse can handle below freezing temperatures.  Shelters provide relief from the elements such as wind, rain, sleet and snow.  Keep them movingt is important to keep your horse in good shape for its physical and mental fitness and soundness. Whether you are riding, lunging or hand walking your horse you need to take the weather conditions into consideration, pay attention to the footing is it frozen, icy or slick. If a horse is worked hard during extremely low temperatures respiratory issues and damage may occur. You can always consult your veterinarian for advice. If you decide to ride or exercise your horse in the winter, make extra time for warm-ups and cool-downs.  This will allow your horse’s muscles to warm and loosen up to help prevent injuries. During cool down allow your horse’s body temperature and breathing to regulate. If the horse has sweat during exercise its best to let it dry completely before blanketing or turning them out. Winter Grooming It’s important to groom your horse in the winter even if you are not riding. Removing blankets and giving them a full body grooming will allow you to keep an eye on their body weight, look for any injuries, blanket rubs and to remove any loose hair and debris that can cause skin problems. Hooves need to be regularly cleaned and inspected for their overall hoof health, checking for thrush, loose shoes, bruises, or foreign objects.  Ice and snow can get clumped up in the hooves causing pain and damage to the hoof, it is important to remove it everyday.   Blanket or Not to Blanket?  Using blankets on horses in the winter is an ongoing debate among equestrians. Guidelines for blanketing can vary from horse to horse. Senior or thinner horses and a horse with certain medical conditions may need a blanket to maintain body warmth and conserve calories. Local weather conditions such as wind, snow, sleet, extreme temperature variations and excessively low night time temperatures can play a role in your decision.  Everyone can agree that a blanket is needed if a horse has a full body clip or has a very thin winter coat to protect them from the cold. General these horses need blankets when the outside temperature gets to be below 60F. Horse with a partial clip or a moderate amount of hair should be blanketed when the temperature gets below 40.  A horse with a heavy winter coat may only need a blanket if it gets below freezing or not need it at all. Preparation and monitoring your horse’s physical needs is the key to having a happy healthy horse over the winter. 

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